We are meant to be expressive

Aurora Life Sports was launched as a small family run and operated giveback mechanism to support and promote movement and expressive connection in everyday habits.

Class Management 

Classes are prepared and structured beforehand. However, clients and situations change daily. Therefore, we start each class with an overview and specific intent and then flow through a sequence (beginner to advanced). Participants are provided with options so they can adjust depending on how they are performing and feeling that day.


The intent of yoga is to demonstrate and teach effective methods that aid movement and mindfulness in every day life. We use our breath as a tool to assess and work though range of motion limits, and various techniques to enhance body awareness first. Then, we work muscles though engagement and relaxation exercises to relieve tension and build strength progressively. Pushing through numbness, pain, compression etc. is discouraged. 

Individual Uniquenesses and Abilities

Students come to class with various habits, emotions, limitations, injuries and strengths. The goal is to recognize, reflect upon, and celebrate this without placing judgement on the esthetics of a particular pose. So, we work on techniques to disconnect, focus and accept what is so that they can move forward with their personal goals, given their individual uniquenesses.